Day one of mobility in Bulgaria is slowly coming to an end. There were plenty of impressions – a visit to the Cyril and Methodius Elementary School No. 176 in Negovan, and there an unforgettable welcome prepared by teachers and students. National and modern dances and songs, a karate demonstration, a mini violin concert, a discussion of the food pyramid, and a presentation of a typical day of a Bulgarian teenager-student will long remain in the memory of the guests – students from Poland, Turkey and Estonia. After lunch at a nearby restaurant, the continuation of the extremely rich program, which began with a tour of the school and a presentation, by the students, of the results of the competition „Slow food and junk food in your lens”, which took place in the partner schools. Then the students, under the watchful eye of their teachers, participated in sports activities. In the afternoon, the students spent time with Bulgarian families.