
„Planting honey trees”

5 maja, 2022 - Działania
„Planting honey trees”

Students of the Primary School in Ustrobna joined the campaign of „planting honey trees” organized by the Save the Bees Foundation. We obtained seedlings from the foundation: acacia, maple, small-leaved linden, Japanese quince, ałycza plum, wild rose, coral viburnum and wild apple tree, which will be used by bees.

Participation in such campaigns and drawing attention to the problem of the world’s bee population, which is decreasing from year to year, is very important because …

“If a bee disappears from the Earth, a person has only four years to live; no more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more people … „*

The campaign of planting honey trees fits perfectly into our Erasmus + project „3, 2, 1 … time for health”.

* Source: „When the last of the bees dies” /